January 6, 2021
On this Epiphany Day, as we have all recently turned the calendar page to a new year that holds for us much hope of healthier and peaceful endeavors, sadly we bear witness, yet again, to our country in agony. Our hearts are breaking at the recent mass violence displayed in our nation’s Capitol and we cry: How long, God? How long? How long will we continue to see violence and hate and the active disruption of peaceful living?
As your pastors, we write to join you in our common grief, acknowledging how hard this is. As we all watch in shock at the abhorrent behavior of some, may we attempt to muster all the might we can to remember the goodness in the many. We also decry as fervently as is possible the images of white supremacy rampant throughout the mob, and underlying much of its violence.
Our composer friend, Mark A. Miller composed a song “My Heart is Breaking” that expresses the sentiment of today so beautifully. We have recorded it as a sung prayer of intercession, which you can find here.
My heart is breaking. My fury shaking. My soul is tired. My breath is gone.
I ask: How long, Lord, this evil season – unending pain and tears?
Use our anger to melt the swords of hate! Use our tears to water thirsty ground!
Give us courage to love all you create. Come to us and turn the world around.
Come to us and turn your world around.
Our hearts are breaking. Our fury shaking. Our souls are tired. Our breath is gone.
We cry: How long, Lord, this evil season – unending pain and tears?
We know that you are all joining us in prayer for our country and world today. Please know that we are also holding your pain and anger in our hearts today.
Revs. Chad & Anastasia Kidd
As always, if you would like to reach out to the pastors for spiritual support, please email or call (617-721-8684; cwkidd@verizon.net)